On 8 April there was an article about our Morocco adventure in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet.
Signed copies of our book “Kapstaden till Nordkap på 333 dagar” can be bought directly through our web site www.kaptillkap.se
We aim to publish a book about our journey from Sweden to Cambodia , but it will take a few more months.
We continue to update our family blog
If you are interested specifically in our journey from Sweden via India to Cambodia , please use the blog archive and browse through the posts from April 2008 to July 2009.
If you are interested specifically in our journey from Sweden to Morocco and back, please use the blog archive and browse through the posts from August to September 2011.
Temba is also writing a blog (in Swedish). Read about his impressions on www.tembaringdahl.blogspot.com. www.tembaringdah